Eva Kujawska
Sunny spot meditation

Eva Kujawska
Ewa Kujawska was born and raised in Wroclaw, Poland, where she earned a Master's degree in painting, printmaking and sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts. In 1986, Ewa Kujawska came to Canada, where she has lived and created art ever since, using mainly oil and acrylic paints and her own mixed media.
As in the works of Santiago Cardenas, Ewa Kujawska's paintings evoke an alliance of the imagination with the intellect. Her works achieve this in a playful abstraction.
At first glance, Ewa Kujawska's works are characterized by the enormous density of the painting surface and the resulting unbridled energy. In almost all works, the energy is focused on a superficially integrated, usually centrally arranged object: be it a small, found coin, a tiny stone, a shiny steel ball or a piece of wood washed up by chance from a river. Objects that lose their status as objects to become part of the plastic vocabulary of art. They are chance encounters with "contemporary witnesses" that are symbols and tell stories. Through art, they are freed from objecthood and gain a never-imagined stage and publicity. Captured and preserved moments of life. Precious moments that can be very modest, short and quite everyday and therefore usually pass by us unnoticed.
Ewa Kujawska has the intuition, spontaneity and awareness for the small emotional moment, to which she gives a larger, loving space. In this way, coincidence and memory find their place on the strictly conceptual and reduced to a minimum, often bright canvas. Bright orange, deep dark blue or, frequently, monochrome white surfaces are the preferred color spectrum for emotional productions.
In these small encounters, Ewa Kujawska finds imaginative themes and materials for her mixed media works. The result is works with beautiful textures, exciting shapes, surprising colors, random materials and a lot of preserved history. She invites the viewer on an individual journey of discovery. Her works demand time in exchange for the experience of a symbiosis of fantasy and reason.
Ewa has a long history of exhibiting and participating in various cultural and artistic events. Her works have been exhibited in Canada, France, Germany, the United States, Morocco, Greece and Poland by galleries, private collectors and companies. She has received numerous awards and honors in Canada and abroad. She was represented by the Societé de Développement en Art Contemporain (Sodarco) in Montreal after receiving the Special Merit Award at the "Grand Prix International de Montréal" (1992) and 1st Prize at the "Reflet d'art d'ici aet d'ailleurs" competition (Sodarco) in 1993.
Exhibitions (selection)
2019 A Kind of Gallery, Germany
2018 ASP Gallery@ASP Studios, Ottawa
2017 Project of the Center of Polish Culture, Montreal
2016 ASP Gallery@ASP Studios, Ottawa
2015 ASP Gallery@ASP Studios, Ottawa