Bjørn Treuter
Graphic pop art

Bjørn Treuter
Björn Treuter was born in August 1967 in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance, graduated from high school in 1988 and completed his architecture studies in 1997. He has been artistically active since his childhood.
His passion for art led him to develop a unique style of graphic and pop painting, inspired by comic art and contemporary street art. His artistic approach is characterized by a bold use of bright colors and dynamic shapes. Björn Treuter is inspired by the aesthetics of street art, where urban art meets traditional art. He fuses textures and shapes to create visually stimulating works.
"I try to create contemporary witnesses, images of our time that reflect a dilapidated society in a corrupt system.
The retreat and flight of the individual, threatened by the 'ever bigger and faster' and the resulting excessive demands on people, are the themes of my art." "I am concerned with the decline in morals, the numbness and the regression to the old, dangerously conservative way of thinking of young people in particular, in contrast to free development in the 21st century. I want to express my feelings about things that are important to me personally through painting. I myself have no emotional role models in art and I don't copy anyone so that I can freely follow my artistic path.
Art cannot be forced, art is an inner excitement that triggers a will to create!"
EXHIBITIONS (selection)
05/2011 one foot in the grave, Icosahedron Gallery Manhattan NYC
06/2013 bushwick art open, Brooklyn NYC
05/2017 artbox project basel 1.0, Basel
09/2022 art san diego, San Diego
12/2023 miami art weeks, Miami