Jürgen Schemetat
Anatomy of abstract works

Jürgen Schemetat
Jürgen Schemetat, born in 1961, always "has to" paint. For him, a color or shape in nature is often an impulse. From an initial, vague idea, the medium develops, such as canvas, wood, cardboard or paper, which can be found in his studio. Various colors made of acrylic, oil, pigments or stains are provided.
Then the actual creative painting process begins. Sometimes homemade fillers, sand, but also found objects such as plant parts or scraps of paper find their way into the picture. The works are created intuitively. Painting itself is a joy, but also a struggle. It is destroyed and healed again: colors are used in a pasty manner or thin, translucent layers of paint are applied and removed. There comes a time in the painting process when the picture leads him and determines how he continues. The picture is only finished when it leaves him "alone". Jürgen Schemetat ran his own gallery in Duisburg for almost ten years, where he was able to successfully present his paintings.